July 23, 2024
IRCC to Review the Post-Graduation Work Permit for the First Time in 10 Years


In a significant development for international students in Canada, the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has announced its decision to conduct a comprehensive review of the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program. This review marks the first time in a decade that the program, which plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining international talent, will be scrutinized and potentially revamped. The move is a response to changing global dynamics and the need to align the program with the current needs of Canada’s labor market and international education sector.

The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program

The PGWP program was first introduced in 2006 and has been instrumental in making Canada an attractive destination for international students. Under this program, eligible graduates from Canadian post-secondary institutions are granted an open work permit, allowing them to work in Canada for a duration equivalent to the length of their academic program, with a minimum of 8 months and a maximum of 3 years. The PGWP program aims to provide graduates with the opportunity to gain valuable Canadian work experience, which, in turn, can lead to permanent residency in the country.

Why the Review is Essential

Several factors have necessitated this review of the PGWP program:

Changing Global Landscape: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered the landscape of international education and work opportunities. The review will assess the impact of the pandemic on international students and graduates.

Labor Market Needs: Canada’s labor market requirements have evolved over the past decade. The review will aim to ensure that the PGWP program aligns with the current job market demands, focusing on skills and industries that are in high demand.

Competing Nations: Many other countries, such as Australia and the United Kingdom, have introduced or expanded similar post-graduation work permit programs, making Canada face more significant competition in attracting international students. The review will help maintain Canada’s competitive edge in this regard.

Enhanced Pathways to Permanent Residency: The review will explore opportunities to streamline the pathway from PGWP to permanent residency. International graduates who gain valuable Canadian work experience can become valuable contributors to the country’s workforce and society.

What to Expect from the Review

The review of the PGWP program is expected to cover various aspects, including but not limited to:

Eligibility Criteria: The criteria for eligibility may be updated to reflect current market conditions and needs.

Duration of Permits: The review may consider the possibility of extending or reducing the maximum duration of the work permits based on the type of program and the labor market demand for specific skills.

COVID-19 Impact: Special provisions may be introduced to address the impact of the pandemic on international students and graduates.

Pathways to Permanent Residency: The review will focus on improving and streamlining pathways for PGWP holders to transition to permanent residency, ultimately contributing to Canada’s economic growth and development.

Stakeholder Consultations: The IRCC has emphasized that the review process will involve consultations with various stakeholders, including educational institutions, students, and employers. This inclusive approach aims to capture the diverse perspectives and needs of those affected by the program.


The decision to review the Post-Graduation Work Permit program is a significant step in ensuring that Canada remains a desirable destination for international students and skilled workers. By adapting the program to meet current challenges and opportunities, the IRCC can continue to attract and retain top talent, foster economic growth, and enrich the cultural fabric of the nation. As the review progresses, it offers hope for a brighter future for international graduates and the Canadian workforce alike.

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